Aluexpo 2019 | Fuar Kataloğu | Official Fair Catalogue

62 ALINCLUB Stand No: H11-C185 Adres P.O.BOX: 16845-185 IRAN ALUMINIUM RESEARH CENTER, IRAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NARMAK, TEHRAN Address Ülke ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Telefon +98 2177240500 Country Phone E-posta Faks +98 2177240501 E-mail Fax Web Sayfası Temsilci Firma Web Site Local Agent Ürün Grupları 5.9,5.10,5.11,5.12 Exhibit Groups Alinclub is an association and network which has more than 2000 Iranian aluminium company and expert members in the field of providing primary and secondary aluminium, extrusion, rolling, casting, diecasting, anodizing and etc... If any international company which provides facilities and raw material for aluminium or if any international company wants to have communication with Iranian aluminium companies or have business with iranian company; through ALINCLUB it will be the fastest way. Alinclub publishes " Iran Aluminium Weekly Magazine" and distributes it throught out Iran. Alinclub manages "Iran International Aluminium Conference (IIAC) from 2009 which is the biggest conference and exhibition and experts gathering on aluminium in Iran and the region. Next one is IIAC2020 in Tehran.