Aluexpo 2019 | Fuar Kataloğu | Official Fair Catalogue

90 BAĞLANTI ELEMANLARI DERGİSİ Stand No: H11-A190 Adres BARBAROS H. PAġA MAH.. 1996. SK. YALIKÖġKÜ SĠTESĠ A BLOK K:4/13 ESENYURT, ĠSTANBUL Address Ülke TURKEY Telefon +90 2128534045 Country Phone E-posta Faks +90 2128535626 E-mail Fax Web Sayfası Temsilci Firma Web Site Local Agent Ürün Grupları 5.10 Exhibit Groups Bağlantı Elemanları Dergisi 14 yıldır yayınlanmaktadır. Bağlantı elemanları ve metal parça üreticilerine, toptancılarına ve son kullanıcılarına ulaĢmaktadır. Her sayısı 8000 adet olarak ücretsiz dağıtılmaktadır. Yurt içinde bir yılda yaklaĢık 50 sektörel fuarda dağıtılan Bağlantı Elemanları Dergisi, ayrıca dijital olarak da 40 binden fazla firmaya dijital olarak gönderilmektedir. Fastener EurAsia Magazine is the only magazine of fastener sector in Turkey which is distributed internationally. It has been prepared English for 14 years. Each issue of our magazine is printed 12.000 copies, 8.000 copies in Turkey, 4.000 copies in abroad has been distributed to fastener users, wholesalers and manufacturers, through shipping and fairs. It is also sent to 100.000 companies of the users and the wholesalers of fasteners in Turkey and all around the world, digitally via the internet. It is directly distributed to the related people, free of charge in our booths at 50 sectoral fairs in Turkey, 10 international fasteners fairs every year. Fastener EurAsia Magazine reaches 56 countries below It is also sent to the purchasing departments of the commonly fastener using automotive, white goods, machinery, electrical, furniture, lighting, windows, glassware, construction, ship - defense industry, heating and cooling, medical, elevator, vehicle equipment, and many more companies free of charge.