Aluexpo 2019 | Fuar Kataloğu | Official Fair Catalogue

119 CORDEX Stand No: H10-F170 Adres UNIT 1, OWENS ROAD, SKIPPER LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, MIDDLESBROUGH, CLEVELAND Address Ülke UNITED KINGDOM Telefon +44 18004243675 Country Phone E-posta Faks E-mail Fax Web Sayfası Temsilci Firma TROY-MET KALĠTE KONTROL SĠS. SAN. TĠC. LTD. ġTĠ. Web Site Local Agent Ürün Grupları 2.3,2.22 Exhibit Groups We are the recognised global authority in the manufacture of Intrinsically Safe Tools & Instrumentation. We are known for bringing straightforward solutions to complex safety challenges which others haven‘t dared to tackle. We are copied, envied and respected across the industry.